
The facade of the House of the Birds is its letter of introduction, where you can observe birds that live temporarily or sedentarily in the region of Los Vélez. These are species that have been selected for the attractiveness of their plumage or for their behaviour. They are all local birds, which, unfortunately, are unknown to many people. Enter the fascinating world of ornithology and discover how many incredible things nature has to show you.

In the House of the Birds you can learn about the most fascinating bird species and the most humble, but no less important. Inside the House there are more paintings and works exclusively of local birds and other unique and interesting species. We protect and respect everything we know. We offer you the opportunity to know in order to understand and love. This is the House of the Birds: Your Home


Facade Illustrations

The paintings on the facade of the House of the Birds were a challenge from the very beginning. I have never painted in these dimensions and even less in the street on a wall. This type of surface requires a special technique and materials. Exposure to inclement weather is a reality that damages the colours and above all dilutes the intensity due to solar radiation.

The creation of works of this size is a challenge in terms of achieving the real dimensions, bearing in mind that it is not possible to move away from the wall to check this perspective due to the narrowness of the road itself or because it is on a platform.

In any case, these are works that aim to be as real as possible and show the beauty of these birds in their full extent.

The species you can see on the facade are:

Little Owl

Athene noctua

Owlets are intelligent birds with an alert gaze. They have a song reminiscent of a baby's squeak. They are bio-indicators of environmental quality.

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Great Spotted Woodpecker

Dendrocopos major

The great spotted woodpecker is a very plain-coloured woodpecker. It is also called the white horse because its pecking is reminiscent of a horse's trot.

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Golden Oriole

Oriolus oriolus

The oriole is a very striking bird because of its colour. But it is really difficult to see, but not to hear. Its song is reminiscent of a magic flute on a river.

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Alectoris rufa

Partridges are plump and singing birds, fast when running and with a powerful flight. Great mothers and powerful males. They are magnificent songbirds.

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Merops apiaster

Bee-eaters are often given as gifts, sometimes a butterfly and sometimes, as shown here, a dragonfly. They have spectacular colours.

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Upupa epops

Hoopoes are little known and are only remembered for emitting a foul smell, which they do only to defend themselves and on rare occasions. They are very beautiful birds.

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Carduelis carduelis

The goldfinch is a bird well known for its song and its colours, which can be seen in flocks feeding on seeds on different plants such as thistles.

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European Roller

Coracias garrulus

The european roller or bluebird is a bird that visits us during the spring and summer and, after breeding, returns to Africa where it spends the winter.

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You will discover a different kind of rural accommodation, with all the comforts of a completely restored house but with a rural feel. With fireplace, wine cellar, games room, table football room, spacious lounge, comfortable bathrooms, fully equipped kitchen and in the heart of a unique village with its beauty as is Vélez Blanco.

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