02. Hoopoe


Pair of Hoopoes

Hoopoes are little known and are only remembered for emitting a bad smell, which they do only to defend themselves and on rare occasions. They are very beautiful birds.

Some curiosities about Hoopoes

These birds get their scientific name from their song: “upupuu-upupuu”, hence their name Upupa epops. They have a very bad reputation because it is said that they give off a very bad smell and produce stinking faeces, but in reality this is a defensive technique when they are cornered, being very calm animals the rest of the time.

They are great insect eaters, as evidenced by their fine, curved beak, specially designed for this type of feeding. They raise their crest according to their mood, being very conspicuous in flight and with their crest unfurled when perched.

These birds get their scientific name from their song, which goes like this: “upupuu-upupuu-upupuu”, hence their name Upupa epops. They have a very bad reputation, it is said that they give off a very bad smell and produce stinking faeces, but, in reality, this is a defensive technique when they are cornered, being very calm the rest of the time. They are great insect eaters, as evidenced by their fine, curved beak, specially designed for feeding. They raise their crest according to their mood, and are very conspicuous in flight and with their crest unfurled when on alert.


Find out how this Painting was made

The hoopoe pair was made from 8 to 14 September 2020, taking about 24 hours in total to complete. It was a new challenge to draw two birds exposed to the sun where the shadows must be obtained to give the sensation of volume and realism. The beaks of the hoopoes are excessively long and curved, so this part was difficult to capture. The colours are very contrasted and I watched a lot of photos and videos to get the best result. It has recently had to be restored because it had lost a lot of colour due to exposure to the sun. It is now protected with new varnishes that should guarantee its original colouring for a longer period of time.

The hoopoes are made with acrylic paints and brush. They are 1.65 by 2.35 wide, visitors take a lot of pictures with the pair. They are protected with varnish to ensure their preservation. They are displayed in the Casa de los Pájaros next to the entrance door.


The Route of Paintings continues in Vélez-Blanco

This painting is located on the façade of the Casa de los Pájaros, it is next to a window and its dimensions are 1,63 and 1,20m. You can see other works of art by following our street route in Vélez Blanco.

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